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There are 24 products.
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€13.98Flower Chew Necklace from ARK opens up a lot of possibilities! This cute floral shape is a solid chew necklace for anyone who needs to exercise their jaw. Each pendant is approximately 2 inches at its widest point and half an inch thick - a great option for chewing with your front teeth (for more slender and elongated options that extend to the back molars). Because it is a more compact and durable shape, it is also a good alternative for patients who bite harder. Use it as a safe alternative to chewing pencils, shirts, fingers, etc. and as a calming, centering and self-regulating agent.
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OPOWIEDZ O... – Terapia zaburzeń mowy u dzieci z afazją, dysfazją dziecięcą lub opóźnionym rozwojem
€3.93Pozycja ta jest kierowana do logopedów, nauczycieli i rodziców dzieci, które mają problemy z mówieniem. Metoda zastosowana przez autorkę opiera się na ilustracjach i wiążących się z nimi pytaniach, poleceniach. Całość jest tak ułożona, by dziecko najpierw wypowiadało pojedyncze słowa, potem zdania, na końcu opowiedziało o tym, co dzieje się na obrazku. Również pytania zostały zróżnicowane pod względem trudności.
€6.33Tips for the SENSI speech therapy vibrator are used to correct many oromotor disorders in children and adults. Round tips are used to induce/form lip protrusion and lip rounding. This shape of the mouth is necessary to produce many sounds in various languages of the world.
€26.21LIP GYM™ is Talk Tools' idea for hierarchical lip strength exercises, preparing them for a strong closure. It will be useful wherever we are dealing with a weakening of the tension in the orofacial sphere, which is characterized by an open mouth, hyperflexibility of the chewing muscles, and a low tongue placement. The set includes 4 double barbells of different weights, marked with colors. It includes instructions from Sara Rosenfeld Johnson, the doyen of Talk Tools, based on the inspiration of speech therapist Jennifer Occhipini Tonelli.
Grey CHEWZIE by Talk Tools® riffled
€8.52A set of 2 bite and chew tools/grips from Talk Tools®, which will be useful for children who need additional orofacial stimuli or sensory support for attention. 4 products in 1!
CHEWZIE green by Talk Tools®
€8.52A set of 2 chewy tools/sensory grips from Talk Tools®, which will be useful for children who need additional orofacial stimuli or sensory support for attention.
ARK's hollow P-tube textured
€9.83Does your child not eat hard foods? Is your baby drooling? Does your child not close his/her mouth? Start with the jaw! P-tube is a textured, hollow teether for patients from 3 years of age. Similar to mandibular tubes, it builds strength and durability of the jaw.
We offer three types of resilience of the new ARK hollow P-tubes:
SOFT - yellow
XT - blue
XXT - orange
€15.29Tongue manipulation device for examining and practicing (tethered) tissue growths in the oral cavity; examination of the short frenulum and tongue exercises after frenulectomy.
€9.83Jimmi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan bit their guitars too! This unusual "achewstic" GUITAR from ARK is not only an idea for patients whose hobby is related to music.
ARK's proBarbell™ Set
€15.07ARK's ProBarbell™ Set is a fun and engaging way to practice lip closing and strengthening, essential skills needed for proper speech and feeding development.
TalkTools® SIDE SPOON Grip
€11.36Soft spoon for side feeding, a copy of the tip for the Talk Tools®Sensi. Side textured pieces provide sensory support at the corners of the mouth.
Z-vibe SQUEEZER tip
€6.99Invented by Angeliki Xygka, BSc/MSc, SLP - Greek Speech Therapist and developed by ARK, Squeezer Tips are motor tools specially designed to make biting and closing the mouth easier. The V shape provides resistance when squeezing - ideal for jaw exercises.
€2.84A special tongue depressor for massage and tongue exercises from below (from the bottom of the mouth). Perfect for upright positioning of the tongue and working after undercutting the sublingual frenulum. Wooden.